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Do you have an original article you would like published on this page? Antichrist Public Service Announcements is looking for articles and stories related to freethought, atheism, and agnosticism. If you are interested please send us a copy of your article along with your name, location, and written permission to use your article. We cannot pay you for the article but we can offer you a forum in which to have your article published... you will get due credit for the article.

We reserve the right to correct spelling and grammatical mistakes, otherwise there will be no changes to your article unless we have contacted you and received your permission.

What are Antichristians?

That's a question that could be answered differently by each person who claims that title. However, Antichristians usually share a common belief that Christianity has caused harm to every society in which it had power and influence. We disagree in the notion that Jesus was the son of God, and many of us have a problem with the Bible as a whole.

Antichristians are not evil people who are out to cause turmoil in the world. We believe Christianity has already done that quite well. Christians condemn everyone who disagrees with their religious beliefs, whereas Antichristians are usually open-minded to any philosophical belief as long as it does not directly cause harm to others by means of persecution.

We have been repressed by the Christian Doctrine far too long. Now, the time has come to claim our birthright which is freedom to choose our own concept of God. Or...not choose a God at all.

"United We Stand!
Divided We Fall!"


This website is intended for those who claim the title Anichristian. Every effort is made to represent each non-Christian, and/or non-religious group without bias or prejudice. If you feel you have not been given fair representation, or were given inaccurate representation, please let us know. We will make sure our errors are corrected.

L. Scott Johnson ~ Webmaster

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The Joy of Being Antichristian
Antichrist Meditation

Oh..the joy of being Antichristian! The freedom, the peace, the tranquillity life now offers us. No longer are we overcome by the feelings of fear, guilt, and the anxiety of doubt. Failing to meet the standards of "God's Law" represses the spirit. We, Antichristians, are no longer repressed through coerced self-deception. Our minds, bodies, and spirits are forever free.

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